Building and maintaining mental health is our goal at Psychology Consultants, Inc. That’s why we have provided you with some of our best tips and tools in our resources section. Browse our resources below and feel free to share!
Sometimes coming to the decision to seek help can be difficult. You might not feel comfortable reaching out to a psychologist or worry about paying for it. Or you may have some reservations about confronting problems that you've held on to for a while. At Psychology Consultants, Inc., we're here to help. While some people might think that there's a stigma surrounding mental health issues, we know that taking care of your mental health is just as important as taking care of your physical...

At Psychology Consultants, Inc, we know all about how fun and fascinating psychology is! We spend a lot of time researching psychological studies and staying current on emerging psychological trends. Today’s blog focuses on some of the prevailing myths of psychology. You’ve heard that saying that we only use 10% of our brains, right? It’s actually a myth! Or how about the one where listening to classical music makes you smarter? Nope. It’s a myth. Here are a few of the...
It’s that time of the year again. The days get a little colder and shorter and with the holidays behind us, the warmer weather seems so far away. Seasonal Affective Disorder affects millions of Americans each year during the winter months and while you may feel like you can “tough it out” or “get over it,” sometimes getting through the rough months is a little more difficult for some than others. In this article, we’ll talk about 5 ways to combat Seasonal Aff...

No marriage is perfect. In fact, you’d probably be hard pressed to find one that hasn’t gone through tough times. But there are some times in a marriage that you might think it’s time to move on or possibly get a divorce. Those are the times that it might be beneficial to seek marital counseling. In this article, we'll talk about some common reasons marriages break down: lack of intimacy or communication, sudden life events or changes, financial troubles, physical/emotional ab...
Next Steps Our team has experience handling many different issues, from anxiety and depression to abuse and mental illness. Know that you are not alone, and we are here to help in any way we can. We’re all about having a conversation. If you are ready to chat, give us a call at 440-355-4282 to get started.

Elderly patients at long-term care facilities may experience a variety of mental health concerns and problems such as behavioral issues stemming from adjustment to a new environment as well as problems related to Alzheimer's and other dementias. When those issues arise, it’s important that the facility has an experienced team of psychologists and social workers who are prepared to help. Here are 10 reasons why your facility should consider adding mental health professionals to its care
Many seniors struggle to adjust to life in long-term care facilities. They often feel a loss of independence and a separation from family, which over time can lead to depression.